The Happy Vegan™ has a mission – to help people learn how to get (and STAY) healthy, naturally! Hi, my name is Sharon Gregory and I am The Happy Vegan™! I adopted a vegan, gluten-free and sugar-free lifestyle with other healthy habits in February, 2014 after a shocking Big “C” diagnosis in January, 2014. “What, ME?” How can this be? I am so “healthy” I thought. So how could I be able to make myself healthy again and remain strong during the traditional medicine treatments like surgery, chemo & radiation; and beyond? I learned that I could do this by taking better control of my health through a lifestyle transformation. After countless hours of research of holistic cancer management, I learned that the body will heal itself, if given half a chance. The transformation wasn’t easy, but I knew shifting to a plant based diet was my goal. My first thought about eating this way was YUCK! How am I going to do this? But after a lot of kitchen-time, I began to realize how amazingly delicious this lifestyle could be…not to mention how fantastic it made me feel! I got so excited that I went back to school for an intensive year-long nutrition program to learn more about how nutrition & lifestyle affect our health. Becoming a certified holistic health coach has been an amazing personal journey that has enabled me to learn how to coach other people with a similar focus of getting and staying healthy with a plant-based approach.
I studied with the world’s top health and wellness experts including:
- Joshua Rosenthal, MScEd, founder and director of the Institute for Integrative Nutrition
- Deepak Chopra, MD World Leader in Mind-Body Medicine, Director of Education at The Chopra Center, Bestselling Author
- David Katz, MD, MPH, Authority on Preventive Medicine and Weight Management, Director of the Yale Prevention Research Center
- Walter Willett, MD, DrPH, Chair of the Department of Nutrition at Harvard’s School of Public Health and Bestselling Author
- Andrew Weil, MD, Bestselling Author and Expert on Integrative Medicine and Mind-Body Interactions
- Gabrielle Bernstein, Motivational Speaker, Life Coach, Bestselling Author
- Susan Blum, MD, MPH, Functional Medicine Doctor, Founder of Blum Center for Health
- Mark Hyman, MD, Founder and Medical Director of The UltraWellness Center, Bestselling Author
- Geneen Roth, Pioneer of Emotional Eating and Empowerment, Bestselling Author
- David Wolfe, recognized Expert and Bestselling Author on Superfoods and Raw Nutrition
- Marion Nestle, PhD, MPH, Paulette Goddard Professor of Nutrition, Food Studies and Public Health at New York University
- Mark Bittman, New York Times Columnist, Bestselling Author